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-Posted On June 3, 2010 In Pedestrian Accident-

UPDATE: Google Maps Causes Pedestrian Accident?

On May 26, we posted a story about Google Maps’ addition to their navigation services. Google added a service for bike riders to use when plotting out their bike routes. The service allows pedestrians to choose routes based on safety and athletic difficulty. In a surprising turn of events, this addition to Google Maps that was predicted to increase pedestrian safety is now being accused of putting a California woman at risk when she went out for a walk. The woman claims that the route Google Maps planned for her walk was dangerous and led to her getting hit by…
-Posted On June 3, 2010 In Bicycle Injuries-

Road Rage Rampage Directed at Bicyclists? Driver Hits Several Bicycle Riders in San Francisco

I often end up reporting in this column about bicycle accidents, but what I am writing about today was no bicycle accident! This was an attack on bicycle riders! As an avid bicyclist myself and a San Francisco bike injury lawyer, I am outraged by the story that developed late Wednesday night in the Mission and Potrero Districts. Three San Francisco cyclists wereapparently targeted by a driver in some sort of road rage episode. According to witnesses, the driver intentionally hit four bicyclists as they rode on the public street. Three bicyclists suffered serious personal injuries including broken bones,…
-Posted On June 2, 2010 In Bicycle Accidents-

San Francisco Police are Investigating Death of Apparent Pedestrian in Hayes Valley

Most of us have heard of a horse whisperer or a dog whisperer, but did you know that California houses its very own expert bike whisperer? Alex LaRiviere of San Jose, specializes in looking at and tinkering with bicycles that have been damaged in bike accidents and identifying the causes behind the crashes. By examining the damage to a bike and its many parts, LaRiviere effectively visualizes the scene of the accident and what led to the collision in question. If you have ever watched CSI and seen those specialists use forensics to determine where a shooter must have been…
-Posted On June 2, 2010 In Bicycle Accidents-

California Bike Whisperer Identifies Causes of Bike Accidents

Most of us have heard of a horse whisperer or a dog whisperer, but did you know that California houses its very own expert bike whisperer? Alex LaRiviere of San Jose, specializes in looking at and tinkering with bicycles that have been damaged in bike accidents and identifying the causes behind the crashes. By examining the damage to a bike and its many parts, LaRiviere effectively visualizes the scene of the accident and what led to the collision in question. If you have ever watched CSI and seen those specialists use forensics to determine where a shooter must have been…
-Posted On May 4, 2010 In Bicycle Accidents-

Will Hands-Free Riding Laws Reduce California Bicycle Accidents?

It has been 2 years now since California has enacted the hands-free law that makes it illegal to text or talk on a cell phone without a headset while driving. The law is still new, but the mind behind it, Senator Joe Simitian, is already pushing to expand the law’s power. If passed by the California Senate, the hands-free bill will hold bicyclists accountable the same way as drivers, just with a lesser penalty. The decision of passing the bill, however, won’t be easily made, and debate surrounding this proposal questions whether this is premature expansion of the law and…
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