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-Posted On November 29, 2009 In Bicycle Injuries-

Wrongful death in San Jose caused by bicyclist with leashed dogs

After a deadly bicycle accident, San Jose is exploring a law to make the city the first in California – and possibly the country – to address the issue of bicyclists riding with leashed dogs. Councilwoman Nancy Pyle is convening a meeting Wednesday night to gauge public opinion on whether the city should revise current leash laws in some way to prevent what happened to Beverly Head on Sept. 16. The retired 62-year-old San Jose phlebotomist died as a result of a head injury after being tangled up in a dog leash while walking along a popular South San…
-Posted On November 18, 2009 In Bicycle Injuries-

Hit and Run Suspect Finally to Face Prosecution for Bicycle Death, But What Will Help Take Care of The Family?

The San Francisco Bay Area cycling community suffered a tragic loss last November when Mark Pendleton, a loving husband and father to two sons, was struck by a car while riding his bike. The driver of the vehicle did not stop and Pendleton died along the side of a road. As Bay Area bike attorneys, we’ve supported local law enforcement in their efforts to find and prosecute the motorist responsible for the serious bike accident. Just over six months after the accident, the suspected driver of the vehicle, Harold Brown, was arrested by the CHP. Brown was booked…
-Posted On November 15, 2009 In Bicycle Injuries-

Santa Clara County Agrees To Pay $800,000 for Wrongful Death of Bicyclist

As bicyclists, all were shocked in March 2008 to learn the horrible news that Santa Clara Sheriff’s Deputy James Council had crashed into several innocent bicyclists, causing the wrongful death of two riders, and badly injuring a third. As a bicycle accident attorney who handles many cases for riders against public entities, I was surprised and pleased when Santa Clara County actually accepted responsibility for this tragic bicycle crash. In tough economic times, it seems even more rare for individuals or institutions to accept liability, and extremely rare for them to make themselves financially accountable. We reported last month…
-Posted On November 4, 2009 In Bicycle Injuries-

Bicycle Safety

Sacramento ranks high in auto accidents, drunk driving I was dismayed earlier this week when the California Office of Traffic Safety [OTS] released its yearly ranking of 13 cities of similar size, including Sacramento, Oakland and San Francisco, for collisions by daily vehicle miles traveled and average population. The numbers for 2008 are not yet available, but for 2007, our great state’s capital, Sacramento, ranked No. 1 in many categories related to auto collisions and drunk driving deaths and, extremely disturbing to us, bicycle injuries and fatalities. As Sacramento and Northern California personal injury attorneys, we hope that accountability…
-Posted On October 31, 2009 In Negligent Driving-

Is Texting While Driving Dangerous?

Wisconsin State senators are set to begin debate Tuesday whether to ban texting while driving for people under age 18. Wisconsin would become the tenth state with such a law if it passes. The 18 states which currently ban texting while driving are Arizona, California, Colorado (eff. 12/09), Connecticut, District of Colombia, Illinois (eff. 1/10), Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire (eff. 1/10), New Jersey, New York (eff. 11/09), Oregon (eff. 1/10), Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and Washington Why is texting while driving so dangerous? While every phone is different and every person is different, driving schools and law enforcers agree that…
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