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-Posted On November 3, 2012 In Muni Accident-

Consistently So Many San Francisco MUNI Accidents. Why?

This is no Halloween joke. Sometimes I wonder if some MUNI busses are driven by the Grim Reaper. Graphic designer, Roy Brubaker, created the image below as a message to us all. Roy drew this image while in his hospital bed after being run over by a MUNI bus. While Roy’s case is ongoing, I am not going to comment about his MUNI vs. bicycle collision; however, I wanted to express my appreciation for Roy’s creativity and ironic sense of humor. Anyone who can maintain their sense of humor while confined to a hospital bed deserves high praise. And anyone…
-Posted On October 27, 2012 In Bicycle Accidents-

Wild Turkeys Cause Serious Bicycle Accident

I have heard that too much Wild Turkey is a dangerous thing, but it’s not every day that wild turkeys make the news for creating a roadway hazard. Unfortunately on Saturday, October 20, 2012 a 51-year-old bicyclist from Benicia had an almost deadly turkey encounter. This bicyclist was injured when a brood of wild turkeys ran into his path. I do not mean to make light of this gentleman’s injuries and I wish him the very speediest and most complete recovery. The bicyclist suffered serious injuries–broken jaw, broken ribs and head trauma (although he was wearing a bike helmet). The…
-Posted On October 20, 2012 In Motorcycle Accidents-

San Francisco Motorcycle Accident Attorney Video Interview

Interview with Claude Wyle, San Francisco Motorcycle Accident Attorney. Video produced by the Injury Board. After a motorcycle accident, more often than not, police list motorcyclists as the one party at fault for any accident because of the various prejudices regarding motorcycles and speed. In order to combat that, it is important to document all of the facts surrounding your accident very well, such as what happened to: your motorcycle your gear your helmet the roadway that might show you where the point of rest was with your motorcycle Most roadways are designed predominantly for cars, even in California…
-Posted On October 13, 2012 In Bicycle Accidents-

San Francisco Bicycle Accident Attorney Video

Michael J. Swanson interviews top trial lawyer, Claude Wyle, on bicycle safety. Swanson:  We’ve be talking about bicycle safety. What would you do to encourage more bicycling? Wyle:  I don’t think that we’re going to get more cyclists commuting and using bicycles as a means of transportation unless we make it safer. Safety has to be the invitation to do more cycling, because if you think it’s dangerous then you might as well take a car. One of our goals is one less car. We are very strongly in favor of the environment and we like to reduce traffic…
-Posted On September 28, 2012 In Automobile Accident-

Five Separate Fatal Accidents In One August Weekend in San Francisco

What is up with San Francisco motorists? In one August weekend, five separate motor vehicle accidents claimed five lives in San Francisco. First, on Friday night August 10th, 28-year-old Mary Doering was killed in a car accident on Highway 280. Second, on Saturday afternoon, August 11th, an unidentified man was killed by a BART train at Glen Park Station at approximately 2:30 p.m. The train operator is said to have not seen the man who was on the tracks for unknown reasons. Unfortunately, there were no witnesses to the accident, which is still under investigation. Third, Saturday evening, a…
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