Driver Killed In Sonoma County Big Rig Crash; Was Distracted Driving A Cause of this Roadway Fatality?

-Posted On September 28, 2020 In Automobile Accident,Truck Accident-

A pickup truck driver was killed in August in a truck accident in Sonoma County when his truck was struck by a big-rig at the intersection of Highways 121 and 37, according to official reports from the California Highway Patrol.

Although first responders arrived quickly and attempted to render medical aid, the driver of the pick up truck died at the scene. Our sincere condolences go out to the family of this pick up driver.

According to California Highway Patrol, the big-rig driver was traveling west on Highway 37, approaching the Highway 121 intersection, and failed to notice a Toyota Tacoma pickup truck and a Subaru Outback, already in the intersection and preparing to make a left hand turn onto Eastbound Highway 37.

The semi-truck driver attempted to avoid hitting the two vehicles, however collided with the pickup’s driver-side door, pushing the pick up into the front end of the Subaru, and spinning it into traffic on Highway 37.

No further information as to the state of the semi truck driver or any individuals in the Subaru was immediately available, however the question to me is why did this driver fail to keep a proper lookout and why did he not see the two vehicles ahead in the intersection? By now there should be a report completed at the trucking company office, and the CHP traffic collision investigation should also be complete. Was this all the fault of the driver alone, or was there a safety problem with the big rig itself? Was this semi driver working extra long hours, or was he in violation of any of the special rules applicable to commercial truckers? In order to make all of the parties responsible fully accountable, a thorough investigation should be completed, preferably by a law firm with experience in truck accident collisions and wrongful death cases.

The CHP investigation was ongoing when I last checked. Anyone with information regarding the crash is encouraged to contact the Marin CHP office at 1.415.924.1100.


unnamedHello, I’m Claude Wyle, a San Francisco truck accident attorney. Have an idea for a topic you’d like to see covered here? Feel free to contact me or visit


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